Sunday, May 15, 2011

In the Beginning

This will be just a test post to check how this blog business works.

Basically, I would like to generate a forum which is interactive and can communicate much more effectively than a book, a magazine article, or a newsgroup on the internet. If this works out, I can have a freewheeling exchange with anyone and everyone who wants to punch on in, or who has something to say.

The subject is the spatial imaging properties of loudspeaker based stereophonic reproduction. My big theories have generated a lot of controversy, so I just want to put it all on the table and get some fresh input.

My ideas are different enough that no one will agree immediately, so I begin this blog with trepidation and patience, and beg your perseverence if you are interested in this stuff.

Viva la revolucion!

Please read the basic paper, Image Model Theory, then the Mars paper.

Gary Eickmeier